Hoyun Cho
- Education
Contact Information
- 614-236-6260
- hcho1416@zsdzi1.com
- Ruff Learning Center 212
Dr. Hoyun Cho is a full professor specializing in mathematics education in the School of Education at Capital University. His current research centers on the role of teacher and curriculum in mathematics instruction.
- MATH 140 (4cr) – Integrated Mathematics I (Fall, Spring, and Summer)
- MATH 141 (4cr) – Integrated Mathematics II (Fall, Spring, and Summer)
- EDUC 232 (4cr) – Educational Psychology (Summer)
- EDUC 243 (2cr) – Instructional Technology (Fall and Spring)
- EDUC 315 (4cr) – Early Childhood Mathematics Pedagogy (Fall and Spring)
- EDUC 353 (2cr) – Middle Childhood Mathematics Pedagogy (Fall and Spring)
- EDUC 357 (2cr) – Adult Young Adolescent Mathematics Pedagogy (Fall and Spring)
- Ph.D. in Mathematics Education / Columbia University, New York City
- M. Phil. Mathematics Education / Columbia University Teachers College, New York City
- M.A. Mathematics Education, Concentration: Secondary Mathematics Education / Western Michigan University
- B.S. Mathematics (Magna cum Laude) Mathematics / Saginaw Valley State University
Cho, H., Han, C., Kang, H., Kim, J., Kim, N., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kwon, M., Kwon, S., Lee, D., Park, J., & Sunwoo, J. (2024). Research and Teaching Methods for Elementary Mathematics Textbooks. Kyowoo.
Ministry of Education. (2023). Mathematics 1-1. Teacher's Guide. [Hoyun Cho] (Author and Researcher).
Ministry of Education. (2023). Mathematics 2-1. Teacher's Guide. [Hoyun Cho] (Author and Researcher).
Cho, H. (2023). Secondary Preservice Teacher Field Experience Curriculum in US: Three-Step Practice Model. Preservice Mathematics Teacher Education, 201-211, Kyongmoonsa.
Peer reviewed Journals:
Pak, B., Colen, J., Cho, H., Yeo, S., Kim, J., Kwon, N., & Park, J. (2024). Teacher Perspectives on Harnessing AI in Mathematics Classrooms. Connections. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, 34(1).
Kwon, N., Colen, J., Yeo, S., Cho, H., & Kim, J. (2023). Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Collective Noticing on Microteaching. Journal of Korean Society Mathematics Education Series D: Research in Mathematics Education, 26(4), 311-311.
Daoud, N., Cho, H., & Dixon, C. (2023). Developing Reflective Practices Using Digital Tools. Ohio Journal of Teacher Education.
Yeo, S., Colen, J., Kwon, N., Cho, H., Kim, J., & Lim, W (2022). Development of Mathematical Task Analytic Framework: Proactive and Reactive. Journal of Korean Society Mathematics Education Series A: The Mathematical Education, 25(4), 285-309.
Daoud, N., Conrad, B. C., & Cho, H. (2022). Becoming: The story of first year teachers’ student teaching in the time of uncertainty and its impact on their first year of teaching. School- University Partnerships, 15(1), 145-164.
Colen, J., Yeo, S., Kwon, N., Cho, H., & Kim, J. (2021). Teaching Moves for Students' Mathematical Proficiencies in Multiplication Lessons. Journal of Korean Society Mathematics Education Series D: Research in Mathematics Education, 24(4), 279-312.
Colen, J., Cho, H., Yeo, S., Kwon, N., & Kim, J. (2024). Teachers’ Talk Moves: How Are They Associated with CCSSM’s Standards for Mathematical Practices? The 27th Annual Meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Orlando, FL
Cho, H., Colen, J., Kwon, N., Yeo, S., & Kim, J. (2023). Mathematics Teacher Educators' Noticing of Preservice Teachers' Micro-teaching. NCTM 2023 Research Conference. Washington, DC.
Cho, H. (2022). Capital University School of Education, Primary Childhood Education
(K-5) Program Effective Data Use Pedagogy Course. Showcase of Student Learning – Celebrating Signature Learning. Columbus, OH.
Cho, H., Yeo, S., & Colen, J. (2022). Identifying Mathematical Task Features: A Framework for Analyzing Task Enactment. Presented at the 2022 American Mathematics Teacher Education Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Daoud, N., Conrad, B. C., Cho, H., Reed, J., Dalton, S., Adnan, M., & Zebrowski, K. (2022). Teaching in the time of uncertainty: Voices of first year teachers. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators, Chicago, IL.
Daoud, N., Conard, B., Cho, H., Reed, J., Dalton, S., Adnan, M., & Zebrowski, K. (2021). Being a 1st year teacher during the pandemic. Presented at Critical Questions in Education Symposium, Academy for Educational Studies. Cleveland, OH.
Cho, H. (2021). Challenging Math Tasks for Teaching Through Problem Solving Approach. Presented at the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Shanghai, China.
Cho, H. (2021). Preservice Teacher’s Experience on Three Act Math Task Project. Presentation at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2021 Virtual Conference.
Yeo, S., Kim, J., Kwon, N., Cho, H., Colen, J., & Lim, Y. (2020). Development of Enacted Task Framework in Mathematics Classroom. 2020 International Conference of Korean Society Mathematics Education. Seoul, Korea.
Yeo, S., Kim, J., Kwon, N., Colen, J., Lim, Y., & Cho, H. (2020). The Development of Constructive Mathematics Task Framework. 2020 Hawaii International Conference in Education. Honolulu, Hawaii.